Friday 9 August 2013

Melissa Green interviewed on Run to the Roundhouse, Nellie.

A marvellous interview with Melissa Green has appeared online: the author of The Linen Way in delving, illuminating discussion with Susan T. Landry on Run to the Roundhouse, Nellie. On the long, tender process of (self-)healing, Melissa speaks of (and her readers celebrate) 'the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair— back to the light of earth.' Please read the whole for your edification and pleasure.

Image by Claire Beynon: detail from 'Shadow and Shimmer', 2013, oil on paper.

Run to the Roundhouse, Nellie is a wonderful resource: 'an online journal about memoir'. With Susan  managing editor, and Melissa Shook contributing editor, it includes examples of memoir and recommended reading, interviews with memoirists and discussion on the art of writing memoir.

Thank you, Susan and Melissa, for sharing this rich conversation.
An online journal about memo
he power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:
the power that has accrued to my soul through years of work, of therapy and writing, to bring myself up from the burning coals of despair—back to the light of earth. - See more at:

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